domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017

Writing a letter

Parents association 
Manizales High School.

In the last decade, Manizales High School has been getting low Engish scores at the national exams. As a result, the school is losing prestige. That is why we are planning to hire native speakers in order to improve the students' English skills. 

There are a lot of advantages for hiring them, such as a better immersion and interaction in English culture. We are looking for sponsors and sources from the Ministry of Education but the planned budget is not complete. 

This is the reason why we are contacting you. We will have a meeting next Saturday 19 to discuss this issue and to raise awareness about how native speakers are going to help your children's education. We will discuss some ideas; for instance, giving accomodation or raising tuition fees. 

Thanks for paying attention
We will see you on February 19 at 8 o'clock at the July-8 teather.

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